Cigar Crystal Square Large
Every cigar afficionado at some point come to realise that to there’s more to cigars than meets the eye. More often than not ash tends to fall and scatter when the appropriate accessories are not in place. Give your customers the accessories they need to make the best of their cigar sessions. Because cigars appeal to the ultimate piece of sophistication and status, it is also just as important the accessories speak to that ideal. This is where the Cigar Crystal Square Large comes in handy.
This beautiful square glass ashtray is a stunning piece for any cigar kit. Standing at 14.8 x 3.5 x 14.8cm this hefty piece is large enough you handle a few sessions. Not only that, it also has rests, to hold up to four cigars. This is great because it keeps cigars burning evenly, while keeping the cigars free of debris, and of course it also keep the ash contained, making for a neat space.
Give your customers what they need, with this Cigar Crystal Square Large, it is quality and functionality at its best.
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