Register as a Member

If this is your first time visiting our website and you would like to place an order, please fill in the form below. Once we receive your membership application, it will be manually processed and, if your application is successful, you will receive an email confirming your membership activation.

This is a compulsory form for all users, to help us best assist you with your queries in the future, as well as safeguard our bona fide trade clientele.

Wicked Imports is a Trade-Only Supplier. We supply to businesses and retail outlets, whose primary focus is the resale of our range of products. We do not supply the end-user or consumer, thus giving you, the retailer or corporate client, peace of mind that your supplier is not competing with you.

All information is private and will be used or be available to the staff at Wicked Imports only.


Customer billing address

Customer shipping address

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